A Tennessee Walking Horse is one of the
easiest, most gentle, most user-friendly breeds of horse to own.
Contrary to myth, a flat shod Tennessee Walking Horse
requires no special training, shoeing or equipment, other than a
snaffle bit with a small shank, and a saddle that is cut back from the withers to accommodate the neck and shoulder action of
the gait.
Please don't be surprised to see that very few riders on
Tennessee Walking Horse sites are wearing riding helmets.
The criteria for considering a horse to be well broke appears to
be a lot stricter in North America. Consequently, the majority
of riders spend their whole lives on horseback without ever
seeing a riding helmet, let alone wearing one. This is
not because of a lack of regard for safety. On the
contrary, needing a helmet to ride a horse would indicate to
North Americans that the horse should not be considered
safe to ride, and is in need of further training. It's all in
the point of view.